Our Club has a new meeting schedule.  

Basically one meeting of the month is a face to face lunch meeting(12.30pm), with another meeting a more social dinner meeting(6.30pm) with partners invited.  Current schedule below shows the plan for the near future.   

Meetings are at the Crows Nest Hotel, Crows Nest.  (Cnr Falcon St & Pacific Highway) 

See latest eBulletin(below right hand side) for next week's speaker  
Meeting Schedule for the year: 
Date 2025
Monday January 13th  Lunch - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday January 20th  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday February 3rd  Lunch - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday February 17th  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 

Follow this link for details


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