What a great night was had at our annual Christmas Giving Night. This year we combined with the Rotary Club of Lane Cove to make it an even greater night filled with laughter, camaraderie and good cheer. These donations as well as those already given during the year now total over $35,000. Well done all.
This year’s recipients included

Rotary Foundation

and Crows Nest Community Centre.
There was also a cheque for the RYPEN program in Dilli, East Timor.

As usual a big Thank You MC Tom Sweeney who ran the evening with precision and humour.
Last Wednesday a team from the club presented the two Phillips Lullaby Phototherapy units to the RNSH Neonatal unit. These units play a critical part in reducing jaundice in babies born prematurely. They are state of the art and much more efficient than the lights they have been using.

The club participated in the Annual Crows Nest Fair, along with numerous other local charities & local businesses. This year it was great to have Mary’s House joined us. As usual it was fun to interact with the “locals” and ‘fly the Rotary flag’. Even better was the expressions of interest in becoming members of Rotary from at least 7 individuals on the day.
Many thanks to all the members who assisted, engaging with the community proudly representing the values of the Club and Lea Condell who co-ordinated the set-up and manning of the stall. 

An easy way to raise funds safely and legally.
Crows Nest Rotary has been successfully promoting this Fundraiser since 2001.

More information & Order forms are attached or click on this Order Form
On the request of a few clubs we have added a $5 ticket (2nd order form)
Your prompt order will assist us please.
Many Thanks
Yours in Rotary
Angelo Raveane
Rotary Club of Crows Nest.
Louise, Kate, Sue and I attended Cammeray Public School on Wednesday for the official handing over of the BUDDY BENCHES. What a treat? Nearly the whole school was present to be in the photos and the teachers were of high praise for the benches.

Sunday October 15th, 2023.

Thanks to the efforts of a number of members, co-ordinated by Leah Condell, Crows Nest Rotary had a extremely successful Crows Nest Fair.
As well as reminding locals we are a key member of the community, we had 182 children taking part in our guessing competition, which lead to 12 "expressions of interest" in the club from their parents. Positioned between 2 food stalls with their queues crossing our stall, we were able to "engage" with the public non-stop.

Changeover 2023
We have a new Leader..
Welcome to President Tom Sweeney, and Thank you to outgoing President Ross Gugliotta.

Highlight of the evening was awarding the initial annual "Cyril Clark" Club Rotarian Award to Bill Lee.
Bill, inducted to the club by Past President Cyril, is still a VERY active member after 48 years at the club.