What a great night was had at our annual Christmas Giving Night. This year we combined with the Rotary Club of Lane Cove to make it an even greater night filled with laughter, camaraderie and good cheer. These donations as well as those already given during the year now total over $35,000. Well done all.
This year’s recipients included
 Careflight, ROMAC,
Rotary Foundation
 Marys House, 
 and Crows Nest Community Centre. 
There was also a cheque for the  RYPEN program in Dilli, East Timor. 
As well as the giving we sang a few Xmas Carols, with Joy Sweeney giving an excellent (Irish) version of  the 12 days of Christmas. 
Adrienne with Door Prize donated by Amara Residences 
As usual a big Thank You  MC Tom Sweeney who ran the evening with precision and humour.