RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

RYLA is a one-week leadership training seminar for young adults 18 -27 years.  RYLA will next be held at Elanora Conference Centre from Sunday 10 to Saturday 16 January 2016.
Clubs are asked to select and sponsor participants with leadership potential, to provide transport to and from the venue, and to be represented at the official RYLA/Rotary dinner.
One of the important lessons imparted to participants is that successful leaders don't always lead from the front.

RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment

Teenagers today benefit greatly from opportunities to develop "life skills" and motivation to help them cope with the challenges of a very competitive future.  Pressure is put on students to perform academically and their results are the benchmark of success. However other skills are needed for the next stage of a student's growth, be that further education or the workplace.
During an intensive residential weekend, young people aged approximately 15 to 16 years will develop increased motivation, improved life skills, better self-image, pride in themselves and an understanding of setting and achieving goals.  At the same time, participants are interacting with peers from different backgrounds, and different parts of our district, improving their teamwork skills and having fun!!  All this done in an informal atmosphere, where questions and debates are encouraged.

In an exciting development, Rotary District 9685 now offers two RYPEN Camps and an increased number of places – a camp by the sunny seaside in Collaroy in summer, and a camp in the beautiful Blue Mountains in winter.


Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they’re sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of the family of Rotary.
As one of Rotary’s most significant and fastest-growing service programs, with more than 8,400 clubs in about 170 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon.