What a great night was had at our annual Christmas Giving Night. This year we combined with the Rotary Club of Lane Cove to make it an even greater night filled with laughter, camaradire and good cheer. In the New Year we are looking at having more joint events with other clubs in our cluster.
This year’s recipients included Canteen, Careflight, ROMAC, Marys House, Crows Nest Community Centre, RYPEN in Dilli and the Rotary Foundation. These donations as well as those already given during the year now total over $35,000. Well done all.
Special thanks go to our organisers Tom and Mark from Crows Nest and Tania and Silvio from Lane Cove. Tom as usual was the perfect MC. One of the other highlights of the evening was Joy’s rendition of the 12 days of Christmas, forever etched in our minds. However the combined Rotary choir still needs a little bit more practice!!!,
Last Saturday’s BBQ at Bunnings,, our last for the year was a sell out success. On Sunday a few brave and hearty souls manned a BBQ for the Carols at the Community Centre. Despite the rain they also sold out and raised a further
$1300.This Year the funds raised also went to Marys House. Thanks to Mark, Ross, Owen, Kevin and Gloria for braving the weather and to Denise and the Crows Nest Community Centre for the loan of the BBQ.
Well six months down, six to go. Time flies. In closing Sue and I wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.