

Hi Rotarians and Friends,
What a great night was had at our annual Christmas Giving Night. This year we combined with the Rotary Club of Lane Cove to make it an even greater night filled with laughter, camaradire and good cheer. In the New Year we are looking at having more joint events with other clubs in our cluster.
 This year’s recipients included Canteen, Careflight, ROMAC, Marys House, Crows Nest Community Centre, RYPEN in Dilli and the Rotary Foundation. These donations as well as those already given during the year now total over $35,000. Well done all.
Special thanks go to our organisers Tom and Mark from Crows Nest and Tania and Silvio from Lane Cove. Tom as usual was the perfect MC. One of the other highlights of the evening was Joy’s rendition of the 12 days of Christmas, forever etched in our minds.  However the combined Rotary choir still needs a little bit more practice!!!,
Last Saturday’s BBQ at Bunnings,, our last for the year was a sell out success. On Sunday a few brave and hearty souls manned a BBQ for the Carols at the Community Centre. Despite the rain they also sold out and raised a further
$1300.This Year the funds raised also went to Marys House. Thanks to Mark, Ross, Owen, Kevin and Gloria for braving the weather and to Denise and the Crows Nest Community Centre for the loan of the BBQ.
Well six months down, six to go. Time flies. In closing Sue and I wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.
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Board Minutes 17 October, 2024
Evening Social Dates
Our next BBQs are Saturday 4th January & 1st February.  
For the latest Roster  - Click Here   
Meeting Responsibilities Roster
Our next meeting is Monday,  13th January   
A casual start to the new year, with no set agenda. A chance to catch-up and ease into the new year. 
Schedule for  2025. 
Date Location
Monday 13th January  Lunch  - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday 27th January  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday 3rd February  Lunch  - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday 17th February  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 
Lunch meetings: 12.30pm for 12.50pm 
Dinner meetings 6.30pm for 7pm 
Zoom Meetings 12.30pm.  Link:   Click here at 12.30pm to join us!
Last Meeting  - Monday 9th December Giving Night
See Story below for what was an excellent Giving Night. 
Members News
-  Ross / Mark co-ordinating  the BBQ at Crows Nest's Xmas carols  on Sunday December 8th  which raised $1300 for Mary's House. Also thanks to Gloria & Owen & Kevin for their help on the day.  Also big thanks to Denise for CNCC's BBQ and help on the day. 
- RYLA applications still open - See George 
- Saturday's BBQ at Bunning raised $1955.  
Request from North Sydney Sunrise Rotary. 
North Sydney Sunrise Rotary Club have a close relationship with the Greenway Tenants Association, which supports the residents of the Greenway housing complex in Milson’s Point. 
We have volunteered to assist at their annual Christmas party which is being held this coming Saturday, 14 December 2024 between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm.  
We are looking for volunteers to help serve the residents their Christmas meals.
If you can help, could you let me know as soon as possible.  We need 8 to 10 volunteers.
- 13th January - First meeting for 2025. 
- 21-22 March 2025 - District Conference 
Giving Night December 2024 
What a great night was had at our annual Christmas Giving Night. This year we combined with the Rotary Club of Lane Cove to make it an even greater night filled with laughter, camaraderie and good cheer. These donations as well as those already given during the year now total over $35,000. Well done all.
This year’s recipients included
 Careflight, ROMAC,
Rotary Foundation
 Marys House, 
 and Crows Nest Community Centre. 
There was also a cheque for the  RYPEN program in Dilli, East Timor. 
As well as the giving we sang a few Xmas Carols, with Joy Sweeney giving an excellent (Irish) version of  the 12 days of Christmas. 
Adrienne with Door Prize donated by Amara Residences 
As usual a big Thank You  MC Tom Sweeney who ran the evening with precision and humour. 
Heeney, Catherine
International Toast
International Toast
Raveane, Angelo
Speaker Introduction
Introduce Speaker
Raveane, Angelo
Speaker Thanks/Write-up
Thank Speaker - Write-up
Bailen, Gloria
Front Desk
Lee, Bill