

Hi Rotarians and Friends,
A very successful night meeting with a full house.  Our guest speaker was Denise Ward from the Crows Nest Centre, who gave an excellent presentation on Dementia.  Thank you Denise for a very informative overview on Dementia.
Our night meetings are becoming more popular especially since the weather is starting to warm up. We have some very interesting guest speakers who will present over the next couple of months.
Welcome to our newest member Adrienne St Clair who was inducted on the night. Adrienne has already completed the RLI course and will be travelling to Timor Leste to observe the RYLA and RYPEN programs.
Again, plans for the Crows Nest Festival in October are progressing well in the capable hands of Lea, Louise and Sue. At this stage as well as showcasing our Club, Marys House Services and Taldumunde Youth Services have been invited to display the excellent work they do in our local community.  We will be calling for volunteers in the next couple of weeks.
Next month will be busy, as we have two BBQ’s as well as the Festival Marys House are organising a 10km walk against Domestic Violence on Sunday 27th October. Catherine is looking for volunteers to join her for this great initiative.
Louise recently visited the RNSH neonatal unit and took photos of the special light units we purchased with the help of a District Grant. Louise is organising a time for the official presentation of these units. Louise is also organising a visit to the Tressillian Unit in North Sydney at a date to be announced.
Bill is still recovering from ankle surgery and expects to be mobile in the next couple of weeks.
We have been given a wheelchair, walker and numerous crutches in excellent condition. Any suggestions for a good home?
Members are reminded that your six-monthly fee is now due.
Early bird bookings for the conference are open now. It would be great if we can build on the numbers that went last year.
Our next meeting is a lunchtime meeting on the 14th October. Details in Bulletin.
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Board Minutes 08 August, 2024
Evening Social Dates
Our next BBQs are Saturday 12th & 19th October., 9th November & 7th December.  
For the latest Roster  - Click Here   
Meeting Responsibilities Roster
Our next meeting is Monday, 14th October Lunch meeting.  
Schedule for  2024. 
Date Location
Monday October 14th  Lunch - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday October 21st  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday November 4th  Lunch - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday November 18th  Dinner - Crows Nest Hotel 
Monday December 9th  Dinner - Northbridge Golf Club
Lunch meetings: 12.30pm for 12.50pm 
Dinner meetings 6.30pm for 7pm 
Zoom Meetings 12.30pm.  Link:   Click here at 12.30pm to join us!
Last Meeting - Monday 23rd September, Dinner Meeting
Denise Ward - Dementia talk
Denise from the Crows Nest Centre/D-Caf Cafe that gave an interesting talk about dementia.  During the talking she discussed the leading causes of dementia and how to reduce the risk by upto 40%, such things as;
-Social Isolation
-Physical in activity
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure, etc
Denise also gave insight to the numerous D-Cafes from around the world from Japan, United Kingdom to the Netherlands and the amazing work that is being conducted by these D-Caf.
If you would like to visit the D-Caf it is held on the 4th Wednesday of the month between 10-12 o'clock.
We would love to Thank You Denise for the amazing insight into the world of dementia.
Welcome to our newest member Adrienne to Rotary.
Member news:
 - AGM on November 4th & Giving night December 9th 
  - Trifecta tickets need a stapling session.  2pm Bravo's this Friday 23rd.
 - Please consider ASAP Angelo's invite to East Timor in October. Details on Website. 16 already going. 
-  Polio Train on Thursday 24th Oct. Consider meeting it at Crows Nest Station. Time TBA 
-  Crows Nest Fair coming up on Sunday 20th October.  
-  Louise is organising a visit to Tresillian (Goole it) - September 30th - TBC
- Join Catherine on 10km walk for Marys House. 27th October   
- Tree of Life - Greenwood - Sue is looking into it.
- Hunter Hill Rotary - Approached regarding Buddy Benches - Louise looking into.
- ROMAC Position Vacancy - Operations Manager/Chairman/Fundraiser Head
- Respectful Relationship Domestic Violence Dural 21st Sept, 1.30pm $50/pp
- 30th September  - Visit Tresillian 
- 4-12th October- RYLA Timor - Speak to Angelo if you are interested earlier, rather than later.
20th October - Crow's Nest Fair
- 27th October - Mary's House 10km walk 
- 17th October - Board meeting 
- 4th November - AGM 
- 9th December - Giving Night 
- July 2024 Dues $150.00 due by 17th October
East Timor trip Oct 2024
For more details  click here
If interested please contact Angelo. 
Melbounre Cup Trifecta 
An easy way to raise funds safely and legally.
Crows Nest Rotary has been successfully promoting this Fundraiser since 2001.
More information & Order forms are attached or click on this  Order Form
On the request of a few clubs we have added a $5 ticket (2nd order form) 
Your prompt order will assist us please.
Many Thanks
Yours in Rotary
Angelo Raveane
Rotary Club of Crows Nest.
Bunnings BBQs
Thanks to Bunnings Artarmon, our Club has continued to run BBQs, which are our major fund raiser.  Although exhausting, we all enjoy them!
Last Saturday started slow,, then speeded up by lunchtime,


Oct 14, 2024
Club Runner
Oct 21, 2024
Nov 04, 2024
Annual General Meeting
Nov 18, 2024
Fisherfolk Project in India
View entire list
Heeney, Catherine
International Toast
International Toast
Staples, Mark
Speaker Introduction
Introduce Speaker
Heeney, Catherine
Speaker Thanks/Write-up
Thank Speaker - Write-up
Steblina, Louise
Front Desk
Lee, Bill