Hi Rotarians and Friends,
A very successful night meeting with a full house. Our guest speaker was Denise Ward from the Crows Nest Centre, who gave an excellent presentation on Dementia. Thank you Denise for a very informative overview on Dementia.
Our night meetings are becoming more popular especially since the weather is starting to warm up. We have some very interesting guest speakers who will present over the next couple of months.
Welcome to our newest member Adrienne St Clair who was inducted on the night. Adrienne has already completed the RLI course and will be travelling to Timor Leste to observe the RYLA and RYPEN programs.
Again, plans for the Crows Nest Festival in October are progressing well in the capable hands of Lea, Louise and Sue. At this stage as well as showcasing our Club, Marys House Services and Taldumunde Youth Services have been invited to display the excellent work they do in our local community. We will be calling for volunteers in the next couple of weeks.
Next month will be busy, as we have two BBQ’s as well as the Festival Marys House are organising a 10km walk against Domestic Violence on Sunday 27th October. Catherine is looking for volunteers to join her for this great initiative.
Louise recently visited the RNSH neonatal unit and took photos of the special light units we purchased with the help of a District Grant. Louise is organising a time for the official presentation of these units. Louise is also organising a visit to the Tressillian Unit in North Sydney at a date to be announced.
Bill is still recovering from ankle surgery and expects to be mobile in the next couple of weeks.
We have been given a wheelchair, walker and numerous crutches in excellent condition. Any suggestions for a good home?
Members are reminded that your six-monthly fee is now due.
Early bird bookings for the conference are open now. It would be great if we can build on the numbers that went last year.
Our next meeting is a lunchtime meeting on the 14th October. Details in Bulletin.